My Iphone 2010

jeudi 25 février 2016

iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Update

iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Update


After Apple so cruelly killed the iOS 9 jailbreak, iOS 9 users were left with no option but to stay on their current firmware and wait for the next jailbreak. All of us were expecting an iOS 9.2 jailbreak, as it is the latest public iOS release at that time. But what if we told you that iOS 9.2.1 has been jailbroken ?

Image : iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Update

iOS 9.2.1 while it was still in the beta phase, was already jailbroken by a popular iOS hacker. The hacker is @qwertyoruiop [ext link], also known as Luca Todesco, and he has posted a screenshot of his iPhone 6 running Cydia on iOS 9.2.1 beta [image above]. It is still being debated whether or not the hacker’s claim is genuine. But Luca was credited by Apple recently for pointing out a vulnerability in iOS 9.2, so it is highly possible that the hacker has succeeded in creating an iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak.

Quick Download Cydia App icon on iOS 9.2.1 :

This tip is quite handy for those who are waiting for iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak installer for Windows and Mac. The process below can be done without using a PC . Follow the steps for downloading Cydia app icon on iOS 9.2.1 firmware to get easy access to Cydia iOS 9.2.1 updates on your IOS device .

  1. First launch Safari browser on your iPhone , iPod , iPad .
  2. Now launch your favorite search engine and type in this text iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak as shown in the image below . 
  3. Tap on the result that reads . This will take you to a page dedicated to Cydia App icon download on iOS 9.2.1 
  4. Now on your iPhone at the bottom of the screen tap the UP arrow. On iPad you will find the UP arrow at the top on the screen 
  5. Now on the next screen tap on Add to Home Screen as shown in the image below 
  6. Rename the app icon to Cydia if its not already that.
  8. Now on your homescreen you will see Cydia app icon 




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